It’s very cold and raining today, though, typhoon No. 14 seems to be approaching. It doesn’t get hot always wh…
It’s very cold and raining today, though, typhoon No. 14 seems to be approaching. It doesn’t get hot always wh…
Mars approached closest to the earth yesterday. Mars approaches the earth about every two years and two months…
An autumn guest visited us. 秋の客人が訪ねてきました。 The guest said he was looking for an inn to hibernate. I told him “T…
There was something like a beehive in the field. 原っぱに蜂の巣みたいなものが落ちていました。 The other day, I installed an app call…
I had a pleasant walk today. Various dragonflies come around everyday. I met today was maybe Autumn Darter? 今日…
Anemone germinated in about two weeks. アネモネが2週間ほどで発芽しました。 Can you see where Anemone is? アネモネはどこかわかるかな? The lan…
Yesterday was the harvest moon. It was sunny and a beautiful moon could been seen. 昨日は中秋の名月でした。よく晴れて綺麗なお月様がみられ…
Momo-Chan is on a diet, though, can eat oats and timothy hay as much as Momo-Chan like. モモちゃんはダイエット中ですが、オーツ麦とチ…
Momo-Chan has blue eyes. モモちゃんの眼は青です。 Depending on the angle, the eyes look red and very fashionable. 角度によっては赤…
Today is a nice autumn day. 今日はとても秋らしくて良い陽気です。 I tried to dress up with globe amaranth! 千日紅でおめかししてみました! The la…