I’ve been to the right and left sides of the garden, however, I discovered today that I can go around. お庭の右側や左…
I’ve been to the right and left sides of the garden, however, I discovered today that I can go around. お庭の右側や左…
I met the friend again, who was looking for a hibernation place.He says it’s still too warm to hibernate…
In response to the request to see Momo-chan’s tail I show you my tail with preferential treatment today! ももちゃん…
Anemone is growing up! アネモネさんがグングン成長しています! The flowers would be blooming in spring, right? So rapidly!!! お花は春咲…
It’s raining today, so I practiced Halloween at home. 今日は雨なので、お家の中でハロウィンの練習をしてみました。 Halloween is fun, ho…
Blue flowers are wonderful, aren’t they? This is American Blue that blooms every morning. It blooms in the mor…
A butterfly came to visit us. Is it Mr. Yellow Butterfly? 蝶のお友達が遊びに来てくれました。黄蝶さんでしょうか。 The season word for butt…
I think autumn is the best season for Hide and Seek. 秋はかくれんぼに最適な季節だと思います。 However, I was found soon when I was…
It is raining today due to the typhoon No.14. Typhoon No. 14 is heading south without landing. 今日は台風14号のために雨が降…
It’s cold and cloudy today as well. Typhoon No. 14 will be the closest to Kanto tomorrow. I need to prepare fo…