
Good one or Bad one?

There was a dried mushroom in the garden. Is this a poisonous mushroom or a one-up mushroom?? お庭に干からびたキノコが落ちてい…

Waiting for Spring!

The weather was nice today、 so I planted allium. 今日は天気がよかったのでアリウムを植えました。 I’m really waiting for spring! …


It is raining all day today. 今日は一日雨でした。 It seems to be fine tomorrow, so I would like to plant allium. 明日は晴れそう…

Anemone Part.2

Anemone is growing up! アネモネさんがグングン成長しています! The flowers would be blooming in spring, right? So rapidly!!! お花は春咲…

American Blue

Blue flowers are wonderful, aren’t they? This is American Blue that blooms every morning. It blooms in the mor…


There was something like a beehive in the field. 原っぱに蜂の巣みたいなものが落ちていました。 The other day, I installed an app call…

Autumn Darter

I had a pleasant walk today. Various dragonflies come around everyday. I met today was maybe Autumn Darter? 今日…


Anemone germinated in about two weeks. アネモネが2週間ほどで発芽しました。 Can you see where Anemone is? アネモネはどこかわかるかな? The lan…

Tropical Flowers

This summer was very hot and tropical flowers like bougainvillea and plumbago auriculata bloomed a lot. 今年の夏はと…

Preparing for Spring…

After planting nemophila and pansy seeds for spring, It germinated on the 6th day. 春に備えてネモフィラとパンジーの種を植えたら、だいたい…